Install Third Party Software for Graphics and Wifi Hardware and Additional Meida Formats Ubuntu

Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia oriented flavor of Ubuntu. It is used past graphics artists, video editors, audio editors, E-Volume writers all over the world. Information technology has a lot of multimedia software pre-installed, and so artistic users don't have to go through all the trouble of installing them manually. Besides all these software are thoroughly tested to work right out of the box.

In this article, I will show you how to install Ubuntu Studio xviii.04 LTS. Permit's become started.

Downloading Ubuntu Studio xviii.04 LTS:

You lot can download Ubuntu Studio xviii.04 LTS from the official website of Ubuntu Studio at and you should see the following page. At present option any of your preferred architecture (64-bit or 32-bit) and download method to download Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS.

Making Bootable USB Stick of Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS from Linux:

To brand a bootable USB stick of Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS from Linux, offset insert your USB stick and run the following control:

You should see something like sdX (in my case sdb) equally marked in the screenshot below. This is your device identifier.

Now run the following command to make a bootable USB drive on Ubuntu Studio eighteen.04 LTS:

$ sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu-studio-18.04-lts.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

It should have a while. One time it's complete, you should exist able to install Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS from your USB thumb drive.

Making Bootable USB Stick of Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS from Windows:

On Windows, y'all have use Rufus to brand a bootable USB drive of Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS.

You can download Rufus from the official website of Rufus at

Once the download is complete, insert your USB drive and run Rufus. Now click on SELECT.

Now select your Ubuntu Studio eighteen.04 LTS ISO image and click Open up.

Now click on START.

Now click on Yeah.

Now click on OK.

If you have whatever important data on your USB bulldoze, move them somewhere else and click on OK.

Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS bootable USB bulldoze is being made…

Once it's complete, click on Close.

Your USB stick is ready to install Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS.

Installing Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS:

Now insert your bootable USB stick in your calculator and select it from the BIOS. Yous should meet the following GRUB menu. Select Try Ubuntu Studio without installing and press <Enter>.

Now Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS Live mode should start. Try and test everything and see if everything works on your hardware. If it does, click on the Install Ubuntu Studio icon as marked in the screenshot below to commencement the Ubuntu Studio xviii.04 LTS Installer.

At present select your linguistic communication and click on Proceed.

Now select your keyboard layout and click on Continue.

If y'all want to install tertiary-party drivers and media codes, mark Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and boosted media formats and click on Go on.

Now you have to select what softwares y'all want to install. You can choose to install all the sound related softwares, or video editing or publishing, or graphics, or photography as you can see in the screenshot beneath. By default, everything is selected.

You can too click on the arrows to expand the list and select specific softwares to install depending on your need.

In one case y'all're done with your selection, click on Proceed.

Now y'all have to option up an Installation type. To erase everything and install Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS on the entire hard drive, pick Erase disk and install Ubuntu Studio and click on Install Now. If you accept other operating systems installed, y'all tin can install Ubuntu Studio aslope them from here.

If you want more control on how your deejay will exist partitioned, click on Something else and click on Keep.

You may have existing partitions on your difficult drive. You can delete a sectionalisation if you similar to make room for Ubuntu Studio. But select the partition and click on icon. The partition should exist deleted.

Y'all can as well select your hard drive and click on New Partition Table… to create a new sectionalization tabular array if you lot don't need any partitions of your hard drive.

Now click on Keep.

A new partition table should be created. At present to make a new partition, select the free infinite and click on the + icon.

If y'all have UEFI based motherboard, and then you lot have to create a EFI Organization Partition with about 512MB of disk space as follows. If you have BIOS based traditional motherboard, then you tin skip to the next section.

At present create a Root (/) sectionalisation with the rest of the costless disk infinite equally follows.

Finally, the partition tabular array should look something like this. Now make sure you have the right difficult drive selected in the Device for kick loader installation section and click on Install At present.

Now click on Keep.

Now select your timezone and click on Continue.

Now type in your user details and click on Continue.

The installation should offset.

One time the installation finishes, click on Restart At present.

Your computer should reboot and you should exist booted into your new Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS login screen. Select your user and type in your password and click on Log In.

You should be logged into your Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS. Now have fun and make something neat with Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS.

Productivity Apps of Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS:

For vector drawing, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has Inkscape 0.92.

For raster based image editing and drawing, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has GIMP 2.8.

For 3D modeling and animation, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has Blender two.79

For digital photography, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has DarkTable.

Information technology has many more apps for graphics and photography as you lot can see in the screenshot below.

For video editing, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has Kdenlive 17.12.three

Information technology also has OpenShot 2.iv.1

For audio production, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS has Audacity 2.ii.1

It has many more audio product apps every bit you can see in the screenshot below.

Ubuntu Studio eighteen.04 is i of the best Linux distribution for creative artists and productive people. Thanks for reading this article.

About the author

Freelancer & Linux System Ambassador. Also loves Web API development with Node.js and JavaScript. I was born in Bangladesh. I am currently studying Electronics and Advice Applied science at Khulna Academy of Engineering & Engineering science (KUET), one of the demanding public engineering universities of Bangladesh.

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