Traveled for a Month How to Use That in a Job Interview

how much are you willing to travel interview question

If a job involves any travel, you're likely to hear interview questions like, "Are you willing to travel?" "How much are you willing to travel?" etc.

Then in this article, I'm going to walk y'all through how to respond all of these interview questions.

And we'll expect at how to understand the significant of "travel percentage," and then you'll know what the task is really going to require before you say "yeah" or "no."

And finally, I'm going to share multiple give-and-take-for-word example answers to help you get confident and comfy with this type of question.So make certain you read until the end.

Let's go started…

Answers for "How Much Are You lot Willing to Travel?"

If they ask an open-ended interview question similar this about your willingness to travel, you should state your answer every bit a percentage.

For example, you lot could say:

"I'm willing to travel up to 30% of the time. That's what I did in my concluding task, and I know I'm comfortable with that amount."

They may ask you straight for a per centum, with a question like, "what percent are you willing to travel?" and you'd answer that in the same way.

What does travel percentage mean, though? If you lot're non sure, information technology's essential to understand. Then let'due south discuss the meaning of "travel percent."

Travel percentage meaning: What is travel percentage?

So what does 70 pct travel mean? It ways that the employer expects you to exist traveling or in cities other than your home city for 70 percent of your working days. So you would await to spend 7 days traveling or away from dwelling for every three days in your domicile boondocks/office.

This is a very high corporeality of travel. In my feel working every bit a recruiter, most travel jobs are 50% or beneath, considering this is less stressful and more sustainable for the worker.

And so, this is something to keep in mind when deciding how much you're willing to travel, and whether you'll accept or decline the job offer.

How to Answer, "Are You Willing to Travel Ten Amount?" – Examples

The hiring director may also come out and tell you how much travel is involved, and and then ask an interview question to decide if this is an acceptable travel amount.

In this case, if it's acceptable to you, then y'all can indicate that you lot are on-board with what they're proposing. For example, you lot could say:

"That amount of travel volition piece of work for me. In my last visitor, I traveled that same amount, and information technology worked out fine."

(It's e'er adept to show yous've done something successfully in the past. This is the all-time style to improve to a new employer that yous'll be successful for them, too!)

No worries if you haven't traveled for a chore earlier, though…

Here's an case of how you could still respond this question:

"That amount of travel sounds acceptable to me. I have no problem doing that for this role."

Here's another instance:

"That sounds acceptable to me. I'd love to hear more well-nigh the role, and if it's a proficient fit, and then I am able to travel."

Make Sure You Know What You're Agreeing To

Another affair to go on in listen is the actual travel schedule. Two jobs could both have the same travel pct – let's say fifty%. Just one could take you spending two weeks away and then two weeks at home, while the other could take you traveling for 2-three days at a time, returning, and doing it all again a few days later.

Depending on your family unit, children, etc., you may be able to handle one of these travel requirements but not the other. So the travel duration and schedule are another thing you should clarify before answering.

Yous tin say, "I would like to understand the company travel schedule a scrap ameliorate. Can you requite me an instance of how long each trip would exist, or what a typical month looks like?"

This volition help you go a clear moving picture of what your work schedule would look like before y'all answer the interview question.

And so don't be afraid to ask questions of your own. You can't answer interview questions like, "Are y'all willing to travel for this job?" without knowing what the company expects!

For example, if they ask, "Can you travel if the job requires information technology?" y'all'd want to answer by maxim, "How much travel is expected in the function?"

You lot can't give a good answer without knowing what they're proposing or request, so analyze that showtime.

Once you know what the company expects, then information technology'south time to directly answer their question and bespeak whether you tin can travel the amount they require.

You lot Can Also Try to Negotiate Your Travel Percentage/Willingness to Travel

If you're interested in the chore but can't travel quite as much as they're proposing, you tin say:

"I don't call back I can travel quite that amount. The chore and work sound interesting, and I'd love to consider the position if the travel requirements can be reduced to 30%".

This may piece of work, information technology may non (it depends on the part and company's flexibility), but information technology's worth asking! This way, you'll find out the best they tin do!

You never know if they're asking, "How much are you willing to travel?" because it's a hard requirement, or if they're but wondering how much you're willing to practice

So requite an honest answer and don't be afraid to make a counter-proposal.

A lot of chore seekers are afraid to set limits or "push button back" in a job interview, simply this can actually make you more than attractive to the visitor. Information technology shows confidence!

However, you also don't desire to dominion yourself out in an interview. Then if you're not quite sure, but think it's possible to travel the amount that the company would like, only say "yep" for now.

You're non accepting the job or signing a contract. You're simply indicating whether this might be possible for you.

And your goal in whatever interview is to get invited to the next pace in the process… or become a job offer. So if you think it's fifty-fifty remotely possible to travel the amount they desire, then aye "Yep" and keep interviewing!

You lot tin always go abode and talk to friends and family and make a better decision about whether this is right for you lot! You lot practise NOT need to determine this in the interview!

How to Answer, "Are You Willing to Travel or Relocate?" – Examples

This is a slightly different question. Merely but like with the questions and sample answers above, y'all should give an honest, upfront answer. There'south no sense in wasting their time if yous admittedly cannot relocate.

Only if it'due south even slightly possible, say "Yes" when an employer asks if you're willing to relocate. Don't rule yourself out.

Call up: Your goal in the interview is to impress them and get invited back to the next round – so keep going with the job interview, and ask questions to learn more every bit you go!

You're Not wasting the recruiter's or hiring manager'due south fourth dimension past exploring the opportunity, as long every bit there'due south a tiny chance you'd be willing to travel or relocate for the job.

They want the opportunity to sell you on their position! I can't stress this enough: Y'all're not wasting their time. I hear a lot of task seekers bring up concerns about this, and so I simply wanted to fix the record straight!


You should now know what travel percentage is, and how to reply any time an employer asks most what percentage you're willing to travel.

Call up – you're not signing a contract or agreeing to anything in writing; yous're merely indicating whether this could potentially work (for the right opportunity).

And then stay calm, use the sample answers higher up, and be straight/concise when responding in a job interview.

This isn't ane of those interview questions where the hiring manager needs to hear a long-winded answer. So once you lot've answered the question, stop and allow the interviewer move on!

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