Can I Travel to Hawaii in August

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Hawaii Travel Advisories & Restrictions

Hawaii Travel Advisories & Restrictions

Information on Restrictions in Hawaii including Hawaii Related Travel Advisories

Hawaii Travel Restrictions

Electric current Travel Advisories, Restrictions, & Updates

What are the travel restrictions & requirements in Hawaii as of Spring 2022?

Last Updated:  May 2, 2022

We've covered all of the latest Hawaii travel news and announcements below, including the steps travelers should follow to visit Hawaii as of Spring / Summertime 2022 safely.

Exist sure to cheque out our new article addressing the increasing energy costs and how that as well may impact Hawaii travel.

'Safe Travels' program & mask mandate both ended March 26th

According to Governor Ige, the state of Hawaii dropped the 'Safe Travels' program for domestic U.Southward. travelers at midnight onMarch 25, 2022. Governor Ige has also announced the indoor mask mandate has ended as of March 26, 2022. Masks may still be required on public transportation, such as buses, and within Hawaii's airports.

That now means domestic travelers to Hawaii will no longer demand to fill out online forms via Safe Travels, no longer have to worry near QR codes, no longer have to provide proof of vaccination, and ultimately, there won't be whatever boosted requirements or restrictions to fly to Hawaii on a domestic flying.

On the canton level, the County of Kauai, the Canton of Maui, and the County of Hawaii take repealed their COVID-19 Emergency Rules. The Metropolis and Canton of Honolulu's Safe Access Oahu plan ended on Sun, March six, 2022. More details on that are beneath.

International passengers will proceed to follow the requirements that were put in place by the federal government.

"Condom Travels is 1 office of a multi-layer approach to COVID safety. The program played a primal office in keeping Hawaii's residents safe before vaccinations were widely available, and during the surges we've seen through this pandemic," said John De Chips, Hawaii Tourism Potency President and CEO. " Bringing the Safe Travels program to a close reflects the progress we have made as a state, and Governor Ige'due south decision is a practiced rest of maintaining reasonable health precautions while reopening our society and economy ."

— article continued below —

May 2022 Hawaii Events

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For International Travelers

Travel Rules for International Hawaii travel

The Presidential Proclamation and CDC Social club are effective for travel from international airports to the United States. "Directly International Travelers" volition no longer need to accept a Safe Travel Account to present upon arrival to Hawaii, starting November 8, 2021.

Direct International Travel to Hawaii

All air passengers 2 years of age or older with a flying departing to the United States from a strange country at or after 12:01am EST (v:01am GMT) on December half dozen, 2021 , are required to bear witness a negative COVID-19 viral exam result taken no more than 1 twenty-four hours before travel, or documentation of having recovered from COVID-xix in the past 90 days, before they board their flight.

Air passengers will too be required to confirm in the form of an attestation that the information they present is true.

For the full list of requirements and exemptions, please review the linguistic communication in the Social club.

Instance of Direct International Travel

Aircraft begins flight in another country and ends the flight at the port of federal debarkation in Hawaii. Passengers are subjected to U.S. customs processing in Hawaii. This category volition be either:

  1. A not-cease flight - from one aerodrome to some other, without any stops along the way.
  2. A directly flight - from one aerodrome to another just includes stops in i or more cities forth the fashion. The flight number or aircraft and passengers' boarding pass remain the aforementioned.
  • thousand.; Narita, Japan straight flight to Honolulu, Hawaii, U.s.a. OR Manilla, Philippines direct flying to Honolulu, Hawaii, U.s.a.
  • Process for both the above: Adhere to U.S. Federal procedure for international travel; No Safe Travels Hawaii or state requirement

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Since the summer of 2020, we've been providing complimentary travel updates to millions of Hawaii visitors. Over that time, our email listing has besides grown to over 150,000 subscribers, and this site itself requires pregnant resources to continue operating. We genuinely love helping people plan their trip(south) to Hawaii, and if possible, nosotros hope you lot'll consider supporting our organization with a pocket-sized donation  and then that we can continue publishing free Hawaii travel information. Mahalo for your back up! It is greatly appreciated.

Hawaii Travel Restrictions on Individual Islands...

The response to COVID-19 by the different Hawaiian counties had previously created a patchwork of emergency rules, orders, and proclamations. Naturally, we recognized this would cause some confusion to visitors. This department previously educated travelers on the various restrictions per island.

Every bit of March 26, 2022; this department is now for historical purposes only... this portion of this folio is no longer updated.

Oahu Travel Restrictions in 2022

Oahu Restrictions

Oahu travelers tin read more well-nigh what activities are allowed, the various openings, and the corresponding group sizes on the One Oahu website.

As noted in a higher place, you can read more about Oahu's re-opening plans at OneOahu. For further details about Oahu restrictions, click here.

Kauai Travel Restrictions in 2022

Kauai Restrictions

Kauai Updates

You lot can find the most recent information and updates forKauai on the official Kauai COVID-19 webpage.

All emergency rules and emergency proclamations for Kauai county can additionally exist found on their website.

Maui Travel Restrictions in 2022

Maui Restrictions

Including Maui, Molokai, and Lanai

You can detect the nigh contempo updates on Maui via the Maui county website.

All Maui emergency rules and emergency proclamations can be found on the Public Health Emergency Rules web folio.

Hawaii Health Protocols

We encourage all travelers to review the Health & Prophylactic Protocols for all of your travel planning resources within the Islands of Hawaii:

Visiting Hawaii

Upcoming Months of Travel

We think it is prophylactic to say that any month of the year you volition non be disappointed when you visit the Hawaiian islands. Hither's an overview of what to expect in the coming months. Not sure when to visit? Read virtually the Best Month to Visit, where we present an overview of each month OR accept the quiz on our Best Time to Visit Hawaii folio.

Data Disclaimer: Details and information on this page, including dates, may modify on a day-past-day basis. While we volition exist making every endeavour to continue these pages relevant and upwards to engagement, the decision to travel is ultimately your own responsibility.

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