Can't Fast Travel to Camp Fallout 76

How to Fast Travel in Fallout 76

The world of Bethesda'southward Fallout 76 is pretty damn huge. It can take a seriously long time to get from one side of the map to the other or to attain the adjacent quest marking for the primary quests. Here's how to fast travel in Fallout 76 so you tin can cutting downwardly all that traversal fourth dimension.

As has e'er been the case with Fallout games, you lot can fast travel in Fallout 76 to any location you've already discovered. Discovered locations are marked on your map past a filled-in blueish icon.

You discover locations past naturally stumbling upon them as you're exploring the wasteland of West Virginia. When you get close enough, you'll see text on-screen letting you lot know that yous've discovered the identify, revealing its name and also awarding you some XP as a bonus.

Once you've discovered a location, you can press the Options push button on PS4 or the Menu button on Xbox One to bring up the map. From in that location, simply select the discovered location you desire to fast travel to with the left analog stick and so press X on PS4 or A on Xbox One.

Yous'll now be given a screen indicating how much it volition price you to fast travel to. That'due south right, fast travel in Fallout 76 will cost you lot Caps, the corporeality of which is determined by how far away the location is from your current position.

Fallout 76 fast travel, how to fast travel in Fallout 76

For example, if y'all just desire to fast travel to a location information technology'd have a infinitesimal for you to walk to, yous might simply be paying a 2 or three Caps.

If you're trying to fast travel from one side of the map to a discovered location on the other side, however, yous're going to be looking at paying over thirty Caps.

As long equally you've got the Caps, simply press X or A and y'all'll be taken to a loading screen earlier appearing at the discovered location you selected.

One thing to go on in listen, notwithstanding, is that y'all are unable to fast travel if:

  • You are overencumbered (conveying more your acquit weight value).
  • Do not have the Caps to travel to that discovered location.
  • In that location are enemies nearby.

While lacking the Caps to go around the map quickly this mode tin can seriously suck, there are another ways to be able to magically teleport your manner to other locales on the map for free.

How to Fast Travel for Free in Fallout 76

Merely because y'all don't have the Caps, doesn't mean yous're completely stranded in the middle of nowhere on Fallout 76'southward map. It'due south possible to fast travel for gratuitous, equally long every bit you run into one of the following requirements.

  • You have a CAMP fix.
  • You lot're playing in a team with other players.
  • You want to return to Vault 76.

If you take a Military camp set upward, simply open your map, select the yellow tent icon on your map indicating your CAMP'southward location, and printing X or A on information technology. Follow the same process as you would to travel to a discovered location, but this time you won't have to pay at all.

Fast travel to your Army camp is always gratis in Fallout 76, so is always neat for getting out of loftier-level areas yous've accidentally stumbled into in a hurry.

Fallout 76 fast travel, how to fast travel in Fallout 76

Alternatively, if you're playing with friends, you can simply open up your map and seek out the fiddling yellow dot that indicates their location on the map. You can then, select them and also fast travel to them for free.

It's worth keeping in listen, still, that if your friend or teammate continues to motion effectually Fallout 76's map towards their quest marker, yous won't be transported to that location. It'll be way dorsum wherever they were when y'all chose to fast travel to them.

That's all you need to know on how to fast travel in Fallout 76. For more than tips, tricks, and guides to assistance you survive the West Virginia wasteland, be sure to check out our ever-expanding Fallout 76 guide wiki. We've also included some of our most popular Fallout 76 guides down below for your convenience.

  • How to Get Wood Fast & Easy
  • How to Turn on Pacifist Fashion & What it Does
  • How to Pick Up & Motion Camp
  • Where to Find a Stash Box & How to Use information technology

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